Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Chobe National Park, Botswana

October 2013

Chobe National Park is located in Northern Botswana and has one of the largest concentrations of game in Africa.

Located on the Chobe River, it is easy to see a diverse range of animals, and water cruises are common, particularly around sunset.

The park is know for its large elephant population, and it is easy to see the damage done to trees in some areas of the park.


  1. That baby elephant photo is precious. I have always been intrigued by Botswana after Matt Lauer of the Today Show (a morning talk show program in the States) visited there on one of his around the world trips. As African countries, it seems pretty stable and "together." The wildlife looks amazing.

    1. It is beautiful but out of the five countries we visited on our African trip Tanzania (Northern) was my favourite

    2. Noted for future travel planning reference :)
